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Kneecare Oil

Kneecare Oil

  1. Kneecare oil is specialized formula to take care of joint and musuloskeletal pains like backache, sprains, joint pain and stiffness, sciatica etc.
  2. Clinical studies confirm the efficacy of its ingredient which is as follows:
  3. Nirgundi and Cinnamomum camphora:  oil is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent and its efficacy is equivalent to diclofenac sodium with no side effect.
  4. Celastrus peniculata: antioxidant nature of this oil relieve stress in individuals who remain immobilized either due to their job profile or physical conditions. Eucalyptus globulus and menthe arvensis : has central and peripheral analgesic effects and has potent anti-inflammatory activities.
  5. Seasamum Indicum: Topical application of sesame oil reduce pain severity and frequency of NSAIDs in patients with upper or lower extremities trauma. 

  6. Direction of use: Gently massage on affected part 2-3 times a day do not apply on broken skin

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