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Gynee Care Capsule

Gynee Care Capsule

  1. Gynee Care capsule is herbo-mineral tonic for female of all age group with no side effect.
  2. Gynee Care improves ova quality and uterus physiology to improve the chances of conception thus highly useful in female infertility.
  3. Gynee Care capsule helps in coping up vaginal infection like leucorrhoea.
  4. Gynee Care capsule helps in improving menstrual syndrome like excessive bleeding, painful periods, mood swing etc. and irregular periods.
  5. Gynee Care improves female libido power.
  6. Gynee Care improves vaginal lubrication in natural way and improves muscles strength around vagina for better satisfaction of partner.
  7. Gynee Care capsule improves physical appearance and glow in females.
  8. Gynee Care capsule helps in crossing transient phase of menopause smoothly.

  9. Dosage:one capsule 3 times a day.

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