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DN Winter Cherry Capsules

DN Winter Cherry Capsules

  1. Winter cherry capsule is very revered herb as a Rasayana (tonic) especially as a nervine tonic.
  2. Winter cherry capsule is useful in emaciation and improves memory of children (when given with milk, it is the best tonic for children), debility from old age, rheumatism, leukoderma,  insomnia, nervous breakdown, goiter etc  Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med.
  3. Winter cherry capsule is effective for insomnia but does not act as a sedative. It’s rejuvenative and nervine properties produce energy which in turn helps the body to settle and sleep. Thus it helps the body to address a stress related condition rather than masking it with sedatives.
  4.  In arthritis, which involves joints that are painful, dry, swollen and inflamed, Winter cherry capsule is the herb of choice.
  5. Winter cherry capsule is responsible for a healthy immune system, physical strength, lustrous complexion, clarity of mind, libido and sense of Well-being.
  6. Winter cherry capsule increases hemoglobin (red blood count) and hair melanin.It stabilizes blood sugar and lowers cholesterol.

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