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DN Rason

DN Rason

  1. Most important constituents of this GARLIC are organosulfur compounds such as allicin, diallyl disulphide, S-allylcysteine, and diallyl trisulfide.
  2. Anti microbial/ANTI FUNGAL effects:Garlic is effective against a number of gram-negative, gram-positive and fungal infections responsible for day to day ailment and enhances the efficacy of allopathic antibiotic and anti-fungal drugs.
  3. Antiviral : Antiviral activity of garlic in humans may be secondary to a direct toxic effect on viruses. It also enhanced NK-cell (Natural killer-cell) activity that destroys virus-infected cells. Allicin in garlic supplements can prevent attacks by the common cold virus and other viral infection.
  4. Antihypertensive:  GARLIC has cardioprotective and blood pressure lowering effect which is mediated through its vasorelaxant and reducing  cholesterol atherogenic properties.
  5. Antithrombotic: Garlic extracts and several garlic constituents demonstrated significant antithrombotic actions
  6. Lipid profile:  Garlic has antihyperlipidemic, hypocholesterolaemic and hypo triacylglyceride activities which indicate Garlic helps in reducing bad cholesterol and thus improves TOTAL CHOLESTEROL/HDL RATIO.
  7. Diabetes mellitus: Garlic extracts have been reported to be effective in reducing insulin resistance thus is useful supplement in diabetic patients.

  8. CAUTION: It seems prudent to stop taking high dosages of garlic seven to 10 days before surgery because garlic can prolong bleeding time.

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