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DN Joint Life Capsule

DN Joint Life Capsule

    Colchicum inteum Baker is safer disease modifying agent that act by modulating expression of proinflammatory cytokine in the synovium thus useful in the treatment of RA and other inflammatory joint disorders.
    Vitis Quadrangularis accelerates fracture healing and also causes early remodeling of fracture callus.
    Bambousa arundinacea significantly decreases the bone erosion, spleen enlargement, and rheumatoid factor etc.  Tradi
    tional uses of  Bambusa arudinacea Retz 2013 / Volume 3 / Issue 3 / e20
    Sonth extract amelioration of RA(Rheumatoid arthritis) symptoms and even reverse the damage caused by RA.
    Balsamodendron Mukul has the potential to relieve the osteoarthritic pain, regenerate the cartilaginous matrix and increase sub chondral bone components.
    Agnuside (AGN), a compound isolated Vitex negundo has anti-arthritic activity by the modulation of the host immune response.
    Willow bark extract has shown an efficacy comparable to aspirin in relieving pain and inflammation.
    Indication:  osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, back pain, joint stiffness, muscle sprain.

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