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DN Gorg Capsule

DN Gorg Capsule

    Preventive effect of Fenugreek Seed on fat accumulation and dyslipidemia, due to inhibition of impaired lipid digestion and absorption, in addition to improvement in glucose and lipid metabolism, enhancement of insulin sensitivity, increased antioxidant defence, and down regulation of lipogenic enzymes.
    Garcinia cambogia and Green Tea Extract extracts reduced food intake and body fat gain.
    C. rotundus exhibited a lipolytic action and mobilized fat from the adipose tissues( beta3-AR isoform, known to induce thermogenesis), thus helping to reduce the obesity.
    Commiphora mukul (sudh gugul) enhances the  body’s  metabolic activity by improving thyroid function, increasing the body ’s  fat -burning activity.
    inula racemosa extract  demonstrate the anti-atherogenic effect,  thus validates its cardioprotective and anti-obesity claims.
    Dosage: 1-2 capsule 30 minutes before every meal.

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