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DN Diabozest Capsules

DN Diabozest Capsules

Berberis aristata: The addition of B. aristata to insulin therapy in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus leads to a reduction of the insulin dose necessary to have an adequate glycemic control.

  1. Pterocarpus marsupium:  Decrease in elevated TNF-α by the aqueous extract of P. marsupium along with its blood glucose lowering effect suggests that the immunomodulatory property of this rasayana drug could be related with its potential anti-diabetic activity.
  2. Insulin plant: Insulin-like protein (ILP) is present in Costus igneus . The characterization of ILP showed that it is structurally different from insulin but functionally similar
  3. Diosgenin in insulin plant has potential positive effects on cardiovascular risk, insulin secretion and beta cell regeneration. Pongamia pinnata considerably reduced the blood glucose concentration in a similar extent to that of the reference drug glibenclamide 
  4. Momordica charantiait can regulate how much glucose is absorbed by the gut into the blood following a meal and secondly, it can stimulate glucose uptake into skeletal muscle cells just like insulin.
  5. RUBIA CORDIFOLIA provides 80% success rate in healing and curing of non-healing diabetic foot ulcer with gangrene. The amputation of dead part of body is not required because it is healed and cured by manjistha. Scientific study of Manjistha book by Prof.J.k ojha

Indication: diabetes, diabetic foot ulcer, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy.

Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice or thrice daily. Before Meal

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